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  • Writer's picturereal_life_geek

Dork. Nerd. Geek.

These are the comments that followed me around both middle and high school. At the time, they hurt. I wanted to fit in and I wanted people to like me. But no one seemed to like the same things I did. Star Wars wasn't for girls, Pokemon was only cool in elementary school, and Disney was for babies. But these were the things I loved and the things I talked about.

If any of you have read Mira's story (and if you haven't you should), Mira isn't a new character. As a kid, I lived as Mira, acting out a day in her life as an Earth-stranded Jedi. There were other characters I lived as too, but Mira was my favorite. Bullies began to swarm early on. Even in elementary school, I wasn't welcome to play jump ropes or foursquares with other kids.

Today, characters such as Mira still live in my head. I channel them in a more productive way now, such as cosplay and writing and bounding, but they're still beloved characters to me. So I haven't changed much. What has changed is that, once I left my bullies behind, I learned to EMBRACE this part of my identity. I began to cosplay without shame, began an Instagram that embraced all geeks, and now I'm making this website. Because I do know what it's like to feel lonely growing up and to be mocked for my interests.

On this website, I want us to be able to discuss all of this and I want to give you advice on how to best live as your authentic geeky self. So I will absolutely be discussing writing, cosplay, storytelling, geek fashion, and much more. And I hope you'll find this is a safe place to build upon and share your own nerd passions.

So my message to you is: It gets better.

And if you need help, start HERE

Or, DM me on my Instragram, @real_life_geek

I'm always happy to chat about anything geeky, nerdy, or dorky with you

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May 06, 2020

LOVE THIS! Thank you for not changing who you are to adapt to others' normative ideals. Different scares people because they dont know how to relate with the idea of individuality. The bullies are terrified of being exposed for who they really are, they have to project their insecurities and shift focus from themselves. Embracing your interests and who you are is the best thing you could do for you and your peers. There is real strength in standing alone and that will influence others who aren't as strong to stand up for themselves. The world needs more individuals and less pack animals. Thank you.



Once I was teased for every fandom I loved. Now I embrace those parts of myself and the names I used to be called - geek, dork, nerd. And I use this site to encourage everyone to do the same.

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